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Optimize releases two new minor versions a year. These documents guide you through the process of migrating your Optimize from one Optimize minor version to the other.

If you want to update Optimize by several versions, you cannot do that at once, but you need to perform the updates in sequential order. For instance, if you want to update from 2.5 to 3.0, you need to update first from 2.5 to 2.6, then from 2.6 to 2.7, and finally from 2.7 to 3.0. The following table shows the recommended update paths to the latest version:

Update fromRecommended update path to 3.14
3.14You are on the latest version.
3.0 - 3.13.xRolling update to 3.14
3.7.3 OpenSearchThere is a direct update path to 3.14 (Fast-Track), see instructions in section 5
3.7.x OpenSearch1. Rolling update to 3.7.3
2. Direct update to 3.14
2.0 - 2.71. Rolling update to 2.7
2. Rolling update from 2.7 to 3.0
1.0 - 1.5No update possible. Use the latest version directly.

Migration instructions

You can migrate from one version of Optimize to the next one without losing data. To migrate to the latest version, please perform the following steps:

ElasticSearch and OpenSearch databases

All the steps below are applicable to ElasticSearch and OpenSearch installations. To avoid duplication, we will only be referring to Database in the following instructions and will explicitly mention when a step is applicable only to ElasticSearch or OpenSearch.

1. Preparation

  • Make sure that the database has enough memory. To do that, shut down the database and go the config folder of your distribution. There you should find a file called jvm.options. Change the values of the two properties Xms and Xmx to at least 1g so that the database has enough memory configured. This configuration looks as follows:
  • Restart the database and make sure that the instance is up and running throughout the entire migration process.
  • You will need to shut down Optimize before starting the migration, resulting in downtime during the entire migration process.
  • Back up your database instance (ElasticSearch / OpenSearch) in case something goes wrong during the migration process. This is recommended, but optional.
  • Make sure that you have enough storage available to perform the migration. During the migration process it can be the case that up to twice the amount of the storage of your database data is needed. (Highly recommended)
  • Back up your environment-config.yaml and environment-logback.xml located in the config folder of the root directory of your current Optimize. (Optional)
  • If you are using Optimize plugins it might be required to adjust those plugins to the new version. To do this, go to the project where you developed your plugins, increase the project version in maven to new Optimize version and build the plugin again (checkout the plugin guide for the details on that). Afterwards, add the plugin jar to the plugin folder of your new Optimize distribution. (Optional)
  • Start the new Optimize version, as described in the installation guide.
  • It is very likely that you configured the logging of Optimize to your needs and therefore you adjusted the environment-logback.xml in the config folder of the root directory of your old Optimize. You can now use the backed up logging configuration and put it in the config folder of the new Optimize to keep your logging adjustments. (Optional)

2. Rolling update to the new database version

You only need to execute this step if you want to update the Elasticsearch (ES) or OpenSearch (OS) version during the update. In case the ES/OS version stays the same, you can skip this step.

The database update is usually performed in a rolling fashion. Read all about how to do the update in the general Elasticsearch Update Guide / OpenSearch Update Guide and consult the rolling upgrade ES / rolling upgrade OS guide on how to conduct the rolling update.

3. Perform the migration

  • Go to the enterprise download page and download the new version of Optimize you want to update to. For instance, if your current version is Optimize 2.2, you should download the version 2.3. Extract the downloaded archive in your preferred directory. The archive contains the Optimize application itself and the executable to update Optimize from your old version to the new version.
  • In the config folder of your current Optimize version, you have defined all configuration in the environment-config.yaml file, e.g. for Optimize to be able to connect to the engine and the database. Copy the old configuration file and place it in the config folder of your new Optimize distribution. Bear in mind that the configuration settings might have changed and thus the new Optimize won't recognize your adjusted settings or complain about settings that are outdated and therefore refuses to startup. Best checkout the Update Notes subsections for deprecations.

3.1 Manual update script execution

This approach requires you to manually execute the update script. You can perform this from any machine that has access to your Elasticsearch/OpenSearch cluster.

  • Open up a terminal, change to the root directory of your new Optimize version and run the following command: ./upgrade/ on Linux or ./upgrade/upgrade.bat on Windows. For OpenSearch installations, please make sure to set the environment variable CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_DATABASE=opensearch before executing the update script.
  • During the execution the executable will output a warning to ask you to back-up your database data. Type yes to confirm that you have backed up the data.
  • Feel free to file a support case if any errors occur during the migration process.
  • To get more verbose information about the update, you can adjust the logging level as it is described in the configuration documentation.

3.2 Automatic update execution (Optimize >3.2.0)

With the Optimize 3.2.0 release the update can also be executed as part of the Optimize startup. In order to make use of this functionality, the command flag --upgrade has to be passed to the Optimize startup script:

./ --upgrade

For Windows:
./optimize-startup.bat --upgrade

This will run the update prior to starting up Optimize and only then start Optimize.

In Docker environments this can be achieved by overwriting the default command of the docker container (being ./, e.g. like in the following docker-compose snippet:

version: '2.4'

command: ["./", "--upgrade"]

However, as this may prolong the container boot time significantly which may conflict with container status probes in managed environments like Kubernetes we recommend using the init container feature there to run the update:

app: optimize
- name: migration
command: ['./upgrade/', '--skip-warning']
- name: optimize

4. Resume a canceled update

From Optimize 3.3.0 onwards updates are resumable. So if the update process got interrupted either manually or due to an error you don't have to restore the database backup and start over but can simply rerun the update. On resume previously completed update steps will be detected and logged as being skipped. In the following log example Step 1 was previously completed and is thus skipped:

INFO UpgradeProcedure - Skipping Step 1/2: UpdateIndexStep on index: process-instance as it was found to be previously completed already at: 2020-11-30T16:16:12.358Z.
INFO UpgradeProcedure - Starting step 2/2: UpdateIndexStep on index: decision-instance

5. Direct Update from Optimize 3.7.3 to 3.14 for OpenSearch installations

Optimize 3.14 supports a direct update path from Optimize 3.7.3 to 3.14 for OpenSearch installations (Fast-Track update). In case you are using a previous 3.7.x version, you need to update to 3.7.3 first by following the normal update procedure. To perform the Fast-Track update, follow the steps below:

  1. Perform steps 1 and 2 as described above. Please note, the backup step is NOT optional, please make sure you perform a full backup of your OpenSearch database before proceeding.

  2. Set the environment variables:

    2. CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_OPENSEARCH_HTTP_PORT=<OpenSearch_Port> (e.g. 9200)
  3. Since the Fast-Track update is expected to require a significant amount of time, only the manual update script execution is supported. Therefore execute the update script as described in section 3.1 with the following additional parameter: -fastTrack. Example:

    For UNIX:
    ./upgrade/ -fastTrack

    For Windows:
    ./upgrade/upgrade.bat -fastTrack
  4. You will be prompted with a confirmation that you wish to perform a direct update from 3.7.3 to 3.14. Type yes to confirm you have backed up your data and that you wish to proceed with the Fast-Track update.

6. Typical errors

  • Using an update script that does not match your version:
Schema version saved in Metadata does not match required [2.X.0]

Let's assume have Optimize 2.1 and want to update to 2.3 and use the jar to update from 2.2 to 2.3. This error occurs because the jar expects the database to have the schema version 2.1. This is because you downloaded the wrong Optimize artifact which contained the wrong update jar version.

Force reimport of engine data in Optimize (ElasticSearch installations only)

It can be the case that features that were added with the new Optimize version do not work for data that was imported with the old version of Optimize. If you want to use new features on the old data, you can force a reimport of the engine data to Optimize. See the reimport guide on how to perform such a reimport.