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Version: 3.10.0

Event-based processes

Camunda 7 only

Event-based processes are BPMN processes that can be created inside Optimize which are based on events originating from external systems.

Event ingestion is the process of sending event data from external systems to Camunda Optimize to support business processes that are not fully automated with Camunda 7 yet. Based on this data, it is possible to create process models inside Optimize - called event-based processes - that can be used in reports.

To enable this feature, refer to event-based process configuration.

Event based process configuration

To make use of ingested events and create event-based process mappings for them, the event-based process feature needs to be enabled in the Optimize configuration.

This also includes authorizing particular users by their userId or user groups by their groupId to be able to create so-called event-based processes that can be used by other users of Optimize once published.

A full configuration example authorizing the user demo and all members of the sales user group to manage event-based processes, enabling the event-based process import as well as configuring a Public API accessToken with the value secret, would look like the following:

accessToken: secret

authorizedUserIds: ['demo']
authorizedGroupIds: ['sales']
enabled: true

Use Camunda activity event sources for event based processes

Authorization to event-based processes

When Camunda activity events are used in event-based processes, Camunda Admin Authorizations are not inherited for the event-based process. The authorization to use an event-based process is solely managed via the access management of event-based processes when publishing an event-based process or at any time via the Edit Access Option in the event-based process List.

Visit Authorization Management - event-based process for the reasoning behind this behavior.

To publish event-based processes that include Camunda Event Sources, it is required to set engines.${engineAlias}.eventImportEnabled to true for the connected engine the Camunda process originates from.

Heads Up!

You need to reimport data from this engine to have all historic Camunda events available for event-based processes. Otherwise, only new events will be included.

As an example, in order to be able to create event processes based on Camunda events from the configured engine named camunda-bpm, the configuration of that engine needs to have the importEnabled configuration property as well as the eventImportEnabled set to true:

importEnabled: true
eventImportEnabled: true