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Version: 8.5

Enable sharing

This API allows users to enable the sharing functionality for all reports and dashboards in Optimize. Note that this setting will be permanently persisted in memory and will take precedence over any other previous configurations (e.g. configuration files).

If sharing had been previously enabled and then disabled, re-enabling sharing will allow users to access previously shared URLs under the same address as before. Calling this endpoint when sharing is already enabled will have no effect.

Method & HTTP target resource

POST api/public/share/enable

Request headers

The following request headers must be provided with every request:

AuthenticationREQUIREDSee authentication

Query parameters

No query parameters necessary.

Request body

An empty request body should be sent.

Response codes

Possible HTTP Response Status codes:

204Request successful.
401Secret incorrect or missing in HTTP Header. See authentication on how to authenticate.
500Some error occurred while processing the request, best check the Optimize log.


Enable sharing

POST api/public/share/enable

Request header

Authorization: Bearer mySecret


Status 204 (Successful)

Response content

no content