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Version: 8.4 / 3.12.0

Camunda 8 system configuration

General settings

YAML pathDefault valueDescription
zeebe.enabledfalseToggles whether Optimize should attempt to import data from the connected Zeebe instance.
zeebe.namezeebe-recordThe name suffix of the exported Zeebe records. This must match the record-prefix configured in the exporter of the instance.
zeebe.partitionCount1The number of partitions configured for the Zeebe record source.
zeebe.maxImportPageSize200The max page size for importing Zeebe data.

Settings required for multi-tenancy

Camunda 8 Self-Managed only

For more information on multi-tenancy in Camunda 8 Self-Managed environments, refer to this page.

To use multi-tenancy, the feature must be enabled across all components.

YAML pathDefault valueDescription
multitenancy.enabledfalseEnables the Camunda 8 multi-tenancy feature in Optimize.
security.auth.ccsm.baseUrlnullThe base URL of Identity.