While the Docker images themselves are supported for production usage, Docker Compose files are designed to be used by developers to run an environment locally; they are not designed to be used in production. We recommend to use Kubernetes in production.
We provide Docker images via Dockerhub. All these images are publicly accessible.
The provided Docker images are supported for production usage only on Linux systems. Windows or macOS are only supported for development environments.
Component images
Component | Docker image | Link to configuration options |
Zeebe | camunda/zeebe:latest | Environment variables |
Operate | camunda/operate:latest | Operate configuration |
Tasklist | camunda/tasklist:latest | Tasklist configuration |
Identity | camunda/identity:latest | Configuration variables |
Optimize | camunda/optimize:8-latest | Environment variables |
Connectors | camunda/connectors:latest | Connectors configuration |
Connectors Bundle | camunda/connectors-bundle:latest | Connectors configuration |
Web Modeler (restapi, webapp, websockets) | camunda/web-modeler-restapi:latest, camunda/web-modeler-webapp:latest, camunda/web-modeler-websockets:latest | Configuration variables |
Console | camunda/console:latest | Configuration variables |
Zeebe is the only component that is often run on its own as a standalone component. In this scenario, it does not need anything else, so a simple docker run
is sufficient:
docker run --name zeebe -p 26500-26502:26500-26502 camunda/zeebe:latest
This will give you a single broker node with the following ports exposed:
: Gateway REST API (this is one of the ports clients need to use)26500
: Gateway gRPC API (this is one of the ports clients need to use)26501
: Command API (internal, gateway-to-broker)26502
: Internal API (internal, broker-to-broker)
Multi-platform support
With the Camunda 8.2.0 release and onward, all Camunda 8 Docker images are provided as multi-platform images. Your Docker client should automatically pull the image that suits your platform.
Use linux/amd64
for your production environment. The linux/arm64
image is provided for development purposes.
For Web Modeler, we only provide multi-platform images from the following releases onward: 8.2.8, 8.3.1, 8.4.0-alpha1.
Configuration hints
License keys
Camunda 8 Self-Managed onlyInstallations of Camunda 8 Self-Managed which require a license can provide their license key to the components as an environment variable:
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
CAMUNDA_LICENSE_KEY | Your Camunda 8 license key, if your installation requires a license. | None |
For Helm installations, license keys can be configured globally in your values.yaml
file. See the Helm installation documentation for more details.
Camunda 8 components without a valid license may display Non-Production License in the navigation bar and issue warnings in the logs. These warnings have no impact on startup or functionality, with the exception that Web Modeler has a limitation of five users. To obtain a license, visit the Camunda Enterprise page.
The default data volume is under /usr/local/zeebe/data
. It contains
all data which should be persisted.
The Zeebe configuration is located at /usr/local/zeebe/config/application.yaml
The logging configuration is located at /usr/local/zeebe/config/log4j2.xml
The configuration of the Docker image can also be changed using environment variables. The configuration template file also contains information on the environment variables to use for each configuration setting.
Available environment variables:
- Sets the log level of the Zeebe Logger (default:info
- Sets the host address to bind to instead of the IP of the container.ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_INITIALCONTACTPOINTS
- Sets the contact points of other brokers in a cluster setup.
Some configuration properties are optional and have default values. See a description of these properties and their default values in the table below:
Name | Description | Default value |
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE | Determines the mode Optimize is to be run in. For Self-Managed, set to ccsm . | |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_DATABASE | Determines the database Optimize will use. Allowed values: elasticsearch or opensearch | elasticsearch |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_IDENTITY_ISSUER_URL | The URL at which Identity can be accessed by Optimize. | |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_IDENTITY_ISSUER_BACKEND_URL | The URL at which the Identity auth provider can be accessed by Optimize. This should match the configured provider in Identity and is to be used for container to container communication. | |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_IDENTITY_CLIENTID | The Client ID used to register Optimize with Identity. | |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_IDENTITY_CLIENTSECRET | The secret used when registering Optimize with Identity. | |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_IDENTITY_AUDIENCE | The audience used when registering Optimize with Identity. | |
OPTIMIZE_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST* | The address/hostname under which the Elasticsearch node is available. | localhost |
OPTIMIZE_ELASTICSEARCH_HTTP_PORT* | The port number used by Elasticsearch to accept HTTP connections. | 9200 |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_OPENSEARCH_HOST** | The address/hostname under which the OpenSearch node is available. | localhost |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_OPENSEARCH_HTTP_PORT ** | The port number used by OpenSearch to accept HTTP connections. | 9205 |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_SECURITY_AUTH_COOKIE_SAME_SITE_ENABLED | Determines if same-site is enabled for Optimize cookies. This must be set to false . | true |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_ELASTICSEARCH_SECURITY_USERNAME * | The username for authentication in environments where a secured Elasticsearch connection is configured. | |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_ELASTICSEARCH_SECURITY_PASSWORD * | The password for authentication in environments where a secured Elasticsearch connection is configured. | |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_OPENSEARCH_SECURITY_USERNAME** | The username for authentication in environments where a secured OpenSearch connection is configured. | |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_OPENSEARCH_SECURITY_PASSWORD** | The password for authentication in environments where a secured OpenSearch connection is configured. | |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_ZEEBE_ENABLED | Enables import of Zeebe data in Optimize. | false |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_ZEEBE_NAME | The record prefix for exported Zeebe records. | zeebe-record |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_ZEEBE_PARTITION_COUNT | The number of partitions configured in Zeebe. | 1 |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_SHARING_ENABLED | Enable/disable the possibility to share reports and dashboards. | true |
SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_RESOURCESERVER_JWT_JWK_SET_URI | Authentication for the Public REST API using a resource server to validate the JWT token. Complete URI to get public keys for JWT validation. | null |
OPTIMIZE_API_ACCESS_TOKEN | Authentication for the Public REST API using a static shared token. Will be ignored if SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_RESOURCESERVER_JWT_JWK_SET_URI is also set. | null |
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_CONTAINER_ENABLE_SNI_CHECK | Determines whether SNI checking should be enabled. | true |
is either undefined or has the value elasticsearch
has the value opensearch
OpenSearch support in Optimize is limited to data import and the raw data report. The remaining functionality will be delivered with upcoming patches.
Like for example this docker-compose
container_name: optimize
image: camunda/optimize:8-latest
- 8090:8090
- CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_IDENTITY_ISSUER_BACKEND_URL=http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/camunda-platform
Self-Managed Optimize must be able to connect to the configured database to write and read data. In addition, Optimize needs to connect to Identity for authentication purposes. Both of these requirements can be configured with the options described above.
Optimize must also be configured as a client in Identity, and users will only be granted access to Optimize if they have a role
that has write:*
permission for Optimize.
For Optimize to import Zeebe data, Optimize must also be configured to be aware of the record prefix used when the records are exported to the database. This can also be configured per the example above.
Use the provided Docker Compose files to execute all out-of-the-box Connectors automatically. This uses the Connectors Bundle Docker image.
Note that some out-of-the-box Connectors are licensed under the Camunda Self-Managed Free Edition license. Find an overview in the Connectors Bundle project.
Refer to the Connector installation guide for details on how to provide the Connector templates for modeling.
Running single Connectors container
docker run --rm --name=MyConnectorsInstance \
--network=camunda-platform_camunda-platform \
Custom set of Connectors
To add custom Connectors, you can build on top of our Connectors base image that includes the pre-packaged runtime environment without any Connector.
To use the image, at least one Connector must be added to the classpath
. We recommend providing JARs with all dependencies bundled.
As all Connectors share a single classpath
, different versions of the same dependency can be available and cause conflicts.
To prevent this, common dependencies like jackson
can be shaded and relocated inside the Connector's JAR.
You can add a Connector JAR by extending the base image with a JAR from a public URL:
FROM camunda/connectors:x.y.z
ADD /opt/app/
You can also add a Connector JAR using volumes:
docker run --rm --name=connectors -d -v $PWD/connector.jar:/opt/app/ camunda/connectors:x.y.z