Authentication and authorization
Operate provides three ways to authenticate:
- User information stored in Elasticsearch
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
- Identity Authentication and Authorization
By default, user storage in Elasticsearch is enabled.
- Elasticsearch
- Identity
In this mode, the user authenticates with a username and password stored in Elasticsearch.
The Userid, displayName, password, and roles for one user may be set in application.yml
userId: anUserId
displayName: nameShownInWebpage
password: aPassword
Currently, OPERATOR
, and USER
roles are available.
Roles for users
Name | Description |
OWNER | Full access |
OPERATOR | Read and write access |
USER | Read only access |
On startup of Operate, the user is created if they did not exist before.
By default, three users are created:
- Role
with userId/displayName/passworddemo
. - Role
with userId/displayName/passwordact
. - Role
with userId/displayName/passwordview
Add more users directly to Elasticsearch via the index operate-user-<version>_
. The password must be encoded with a
strong bcrypt
hashing function.
Enable LDAP
LDAP can only be enabled by setting
the Spring profile: ldap-auth
See the following example for setting the Spring profile as an environmental variable:
Configuration of LDAP
A user can authenticate via LDAP.
The following parameters for connection to an LDAP server should be given:
Parameter name | Description | Example | Required |
camunda.operate.ldap.url | URL to an LDAP Server | ldaps:// | Yes |
camunda.operate.ldap.baseDn | Base domain name | dc=camunda,dc=com | Yes |
camunda.operate.ldap.managerDn | Manager domain used by Operate to log into LDAP server to retrieve user information. | cn=admin,dc=camunda,dc=com | Yes |
camunda.operate.ldap.managerPassword | Password for manager | Yes | |
camunda.operate.ldap.userSearchFilter | Filter to retrieve user info. The pattern '0' is replaced by the given username in the login form. | 0 | No, default is 0 |
camunda.operate.ldap.userSearchBase | The starting point for search. | ou=Support,dc=camunda,dc=com | No |
camunda.operate.ldap.userIdAttrName | LDAP attribute used to extract user id. | userPrincipalName | No |
camunda.operate.ldap.displayNameAttrName | LDAP attribute used to extract username; the name the UI will show. | userName | No |
camunda.operate.ldap.userDnPatterns | Pattern for retrieving user info, similar to userSearchFilter. The pattern '0' is replaced by the given username in the login form. | uid=0,ou=people | No |
Example for standard LDAP server:
Configuration of active directory-based LDAP
For an active directory-based LDAP server, an additional parameter should be given:
Parameter name | Description | Required |
camunda.operate.ldap.url | URL to an active directory LDAP server | Yes |
camunda.operate.ldap.domain | Domain | Yes |
camunda.operate.ldap.baseDn | Root domain name | No |
camunda.operate.ldap.userSearchFilter | Used as a search filter | No |
The active directory configuration will only be applied when camunda.operate.ldap.domain
is given.
Example for active directory:
can be empty, and active directory default implementation would
get (&(objectClass=user)(userPrincipalName={0}))
Identity provides authentication and authorization functionality along with user management.
Enable Identity
Identity can only be enabled by setting
the Spring profile: identity-auth
See the following example:
export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=identity-auth
Configure Identity
Identity requires the following parameters:
These configuration variables are deprecated. To connect using the updated values, see connecting to an OpenID Connect provider.
Property name | Description | Example value |
camunda.operate.identity.issuerUrl | URL of issuer (Identity) | http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform |
camunda.operate.identity.issuerBackendUrl | Backend URL of issuer (Identity) | http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform |
camunda.operate.identity.baseUrl | Base URL for Identity | http://localhost:8084 |
camunda.operate.identity.clientId | Similar to a username for the application | operate |
camunda.operate.identity.clientSecret | Similar to a password for the application | XALaRPl...s7dL7 |
camunda.operate.identity.audience | Audience for Operate | operate-api |
camunda.operate.identity.redirectRootUrl | Root URL to redirect users to after successful authentication. If the property is not provided, it will be derived from the incoming request. | http://localhost:8080 | | Token issuer URI | http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform | | Complete URI to get public keys for JWT validation | http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/certs |
Use Identity JWT token to access Operate API
Operate provides a REST API under the endpoint /v1
. Clients can access this API
using a JWT access token in an authorization header Authorization: Bearer <JWT>
- Add an application in Identity.
- Add permissions to an application for Operate API.
- Obtain a token to access the REST API.
You will need:
from Identity application you created.- URL of the authorization server will look
, where host and port reference Keycloak URL (e.g.localhost:18080
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=<client id>' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=<secret>' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'
You will get something like the following:
"access_token": "eyJhbG...",
"expires_in": 300,
"refresh_expires_in": 0,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"not-before-policy": 0
Take the access_token
value from the response object and store it as your token.
- Send the token as an authorization header in each request. In this case, request all process definitions.
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/v1/process-definitions/search' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhb...' -d '{}'
Resource-based permissions
Operate uses a caching mechanism where resource authorization changes can take 30 seconds to take effect.
By default, when using Operate with Identity, one can assign a user "read" and/or "write" permissions for Operate. " Read" allows read-only access to Operate. "Write" permission allows the user to perform all types of operations modifying data (e.g. update the variables, resolve the incidents or cancel instances).
More detailed permissions may be enabled:
- Resource authorizations must be enabled in Identity.
- Operate must be configured to use resource authorizations:
camunda.operate.identity.resourcePermissionsEnabled: true
Resource-based permissions are defined per process definition or decision definition. Process definition is defined by Process ID, which is present in BPMN XML. Decision definition is defined by Decision ID, which is present in DMN XML.
The user or user group can be assigned the following types of permissions:
Permission name | Resource type(s) | Allowed action(s) in Operate |
READ | process-definition, decision-definition | User can see the data related to defined process or decision definition. |
UPDATE_PROCESS_INSTANCE | process-definition | User can retry the incident, add/update variable, cancel, or modify process instance related to defined process definition. |
DELETE_PROCESS_INSTANCE | process-definition | User can delete process instance related to defined process definition. |
For more information, visit the Identity documentation.
Zeebe client credentials
If the Zeebe Gateway is set up with Camunda Identity-based authorization, Zeebe client OAuth environment variables must be provided.