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Version: 8.6

Release announcements

Supported environment changes and breaking changes or deprecations for the Camunda 8.6 release are summarized below.

Release dateEnd of maintenanceRelease notes
8 October 202414 April 20268.6 release notes

Changes in supported environments

Zeebe, Operate, and Tasklist must run on exact same minor and patch levels

From version 8.6.0 forward, the core components Zeebe, Operate, and Tasklist must run the exact same minor and patch level to ensure compatibility. See the component version matrix for an overview of components.

License key changes

With the 8.6 release, Camunda 8 Self-Managed requires a license key for production usage. For additional details, review the blog post on licensing updates for Camunda 8 Self-Managed.

Review the following documentation for your components for more information on how to provide the license key to each component as an environment variable:

To configure with Helm, visit the Self Managed installation documentation.


Camunda 8 components without a valid license may display Non-Production License in the navigation bar and issue warnings in the logs. These warnings have no impact on startup or functionality, with the exception that Web Modeler has a limitation of five users. To obtain a license, visit the Camunda Enterprise page.

OpenJDK, Elasticsearch, Amazon OpenSearch

Version changes are made to supported environments:

  • OpenJDK minimum version raised to 21+ in Operate
  • Elasticsearch minimum version raised to 8.13+
  • Amazon OpenSearch minimum version raised to 2.9+

To learn more about supported environments, see supported environments.

Camunda Optimize artifact and Docker tag separation

Starting with Camunda 8.6, the Camunda Optimize artifact has been split into two distinct versions, and versioning between Camunda 7 and Camunda 8 is no longer interchangeable:

  • Before Camunda 8.6: Versions like 8.x and 3.x (used for Camunda 7) could sometimes be used interchangeably.
  • From Camunda 8.6 onwards: 8.6 != 3.14. Each version corresponds strictly to its platform:
    • Camunda 7: Uses the 3.x versioning scheme and the latest Docker tag.
    • Camunda 8: Uses the 8.x versioning scheme and the 8-latest Docker tag.

Action required

  • Camunda 7 Users: Continue using 3.x versions and the latest Docker tag.
  • Camunda 8 Users: If you haven't already done so, update your configurations to use 8.x versions and the 8-latest Docker tag.

Make sure to update your Docker configurations accordingly to ensure compatibility.

Key changes

Deprecation: Zeebe Go client & CLI client (zbctl)

The Zeebe Go Client and CLI client (zbctl) will be officially deprecated with the 8.6 release as part of our efforts to streamline the Camunda 8 API experience. This client and CLI utility will not be released starting with Camunda 8.6, will no longer receive new features, and will be transitioned to a community-maintained status.

The documentation of the Zeebe Go Client and CLI client (zbctl) moved to the community clients section.

Camunda 8 SaaS - Required cluster update


By August 30th, 2024 all automation clusters in Camunda 8 SaaS must be updated to the following versions at a minimum:

  • 8.2+gen27
  • 8.3+gen11
  • 8.4+gen7
  • 8.5+gen2

auth0 announced an End-Of-Life for one of the functionalities that is being utilized by previous automation clusters. The new versions are not using this functionality anymore. This update ensures your cluster will work seamlessly after auth0 deactivates the feature in production.

You minimally need to take the following update path:

  • 8.0.x -> 8.2+gen27
  • 8.1.x -> 8.2+gen27
  • 8.2.x -> 8.2+gen27
  • 8.3.x -> 8.3+gen11
  • 8.4.x -> 8.4+gen7
  • 8.5.x -> 8.5+gen2

If you do not update the cluster by August 30th 2024, we will update the cluster for you. Without an update, you would lose access to your cluster.

Camunda 8 Self-Managed clusters are not affected by this.

Deprecation: None start event element templates for Kafka, RabbitMQ, Amazon SQS, and Amazon SNS inbound Connectors

The none start event element templates for the out-of-the-box Kafka, RabbitMQ, Amazon SQS, and Amazon SNS inbound Connectors have been deprecated in Camunda Modeler.

Users can no longer select these templates when creating a new none start event element in Camunda Modeler. Existing none start event elements with these templates will continue to work as expected, but users are encouraged to migrate to the message start event element templates for these Connectors.

Message start event element templates are better suited for the message-based communication these Connectors provide, and offer more flexibility and features compared to the none start event element templates, such as the ability to define a message ID and a correlation key for idempotency. Read more in the inbound Connectors documentation and the messaging concepts documentation.

If one of your endpoints returns multiple Set-Cookie headers and you need to capture all of them, set groupSetCookieHeaders to true in the element template XML. This aggregates the headers into a list. This feature is available since version 8.6.7. The grouping is enabled by default since version 8.6.10.

If one of your endpoints requires pre-encoded URL elements, this behavior will change in version 8.6.0. Since 8.6.10, the element template includes the skipEncoding property, which can be set to "true". This disables the automatic decoding and re-encoding process, ensuring the URL is sent to the server exactly as provided.

Breaking changes in the Connector SDK

The void correlate(Object variables) method in the InboundConnectorContext interface has been removed, following the deprecation in 8.4.0. Use the CorrelationResult correlateWithResult(Object variables) method instead.

The CorrelationResult record has been changed compared to the previous versions:

  • CorrelationResult.Success now contains a ProcessElementContext that represents the element that was correlated. Compared to the previous version, where the correlated element was returned directly, this change allows accessing element properties after correlation for user-controlled post-correlation actions.
  • CorrelationResult.Failure now provides the CorrelationFailureHandlingStrategy that defines how the failure should be handled.

An example of how to use the new CorrelationResult can be found in the Connector SDK documentation.

Camunda 8 Self-Managed

Helm chart - Separated Ingress deprecation

The separated Ingress Helm configuration for Camunda 8 Self-Managed has been deprecated in 8.6, and will be removed from the Helm chart in 8.8. Only the combined Ingress configuration is officially supported. See the Ingress guide for more information on configuring a combined Ingress setup.

Helm chart - global.multiregion.installationType deprecation

The global.multiregion.installationType option is used in failover and failback scenarios. This option in the Helm chart has been deprecated in 8.6, and will be removed from the Helm chart in 8.8. global.multiregion.installationType was replaced with a set of API endpoints called while following the (dual-region operational procedure)

Helm chart - Elasticsearch nodes number

The default value of Elasticsearch deployment pods has changed from 2 to 3, and an affinity setting has been added to avoid scheduling Elasticsearch pods on the same Kubernetes worker.

New base path for Operate and Tasklist web applications

We are introducing a new base path for both the Operate and Tasklist web applications. This change applies to both Self-Managed and SaaS environments.

For Self-Managed

  • The new base path for Operate is /operate, and for Tasklist, it is /tasklist.
  • For a Separated Ingress configuration:
    • for Operate, the full URL will be {operate-host}/operate. Any calls to {operate-host} will automatically be redirected to {operate-host}/operate
    • for Tasklist, the full URL will be {tasklist-host}/tasklist. Any calls to {tasklist-host} will automatically be redirected to {tasklist-host}/tasklist.
  • For a Combined Ingress configuration:
    • for Operate, the full URL will be {common-host}/{operate-contextPath}/operate. Any calls to {common-host}/{operate-contextPath} will be automatically redirected to {common-host}/{operate-contextPath}/operate.
    • for Tasklist, the full URL will be {common-host}/{tasklist-contextPath}/tasklist. Any calls to {common-host}/{tasklist-contextPath} will be automatically redirected to {common-host}/{tasklist-contextPath}/tasklist.

For SaaS

  • The full URL for Operate is now structured as https://{region}{clusterId}/operate.
  • The full URL for Tasklist is now structured as https://{region}{clusterId}/tasklist.
  • Any calls to https://{region}{clusterId} will be redirected to https://{region}{clusterId}/operate.
  • Any calls to https://{region}{clusterId} will be redirected to https://{region}{clusterId}/tasklist.

API URLs for both Operate and Tasklist remain unchanged.