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Version: 8.6

8.5 - 8.3 Release announcements

Supported environment changes and breaking changes or deprecations for the Camunda 8.5, 8.4, and 8.3 releases are summarized below.

Camunda 8.5

Release dateEnd of maintenanceRelease notes
9 April 202414 October 20258.5 release notes

Changes in supported environments

Zeebe Go client

  • Raised minimum Go version to 1.21 for the Zeebe Go client

Syntax changes in Helm chart

A Camunda Helm chart upgrade is not possible from v9.x.x to v10.0.0 or v10.0.1. Instead, upgrade directly to v10.0.2+.

The Camunda Helm chart v10.0.0 has major changes in the values file structure. Some keys in the values file have been changed. For compatibility, the keys are deprecated in the Camunda release cycle 8.5 and will be removed in the Camunda 8.6 release (October 2024).

Follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade from Camunda Helm chart v9.x.x to Camunda Helm chart v10.x.x.

Support for Amazon OpenSearch

With the 8.5 release, Optimize is now also compatible with Amazon OpenSearch 2.5+. Note that using Amazon OpenSearch requires setting up a new Camunda installation. A migration from previous versions or Elasticsearch environments is not supported.

This release contains the following limitations:

  • In Optimize 8.5.0
    • Limitation
      • Description: OpenSearch support in Optimize is limited to data import and the raw data report.
      • Reference: n/a
      • Mitigation: Optimize can be installed and used in production with limited reporting functionality. Optimize imports all process data generated by Zeebe. All reporting functionality as described in the docs will be delivered with upcoming patches.
  • In Console 8.5.x

Key changes

Removal of Web Modeler's beta API

The Web Modeler beta API has been removed. The API was deprecated in 8.3 and is no longer available in 8.5. Use the Web Modeler v1 API instead. For a migration guide, see the Web Modeler API documentation.

Zeebe 8.5.0 breaks serialization of timestamp values in management API (Self-Managed only)

Zeebe 8.5.0 was released with a new bug that breaks serialization of timestamp values in management APIs, such as backup and cluster scaling. Timestamps which were previously serialized as ISO8061 strings are now serialized as integer values.

Until a fix is delivered in 8.5.1, workarounds include not deserializing timestamp values from affected APIs, or deserializing them as integers.

Camunda 8.4

Release dateEnd of maintenance
9 January 20249 July 2025

Changes in supported environments

Versioning changes in Helm chart

As of the 8.4 release, the Camunda 8 Helm chart version is decoupled from the version of the application. The Helm chart release still follows the applications release cycle, but it has an independent version. (e.g., in the application release cycle 8.4, the chart version is 9.0.0).

For more details about the applications version included in the Helm chart, review the full version matrix.

Versioning changes in Elasticsearch

As of the 8.4 release, Camunda is compatible with Elasticsearch 8.9+ and no longer supports older Elasticsearch versions. See supported environments.

Support for Amazon OpenSearch

As of the 8.4 release, Zeebe, Operate, and Tasklist are now compatible with Amazon OpenSearch 2.5.x. Note that using Amazon OpenSearch requires setting up a new Camunda installation. A migration from previous versions or Elasticsearch environments is currently not supported.


The Helm charts are not yet prepared with the OpenSearch configurations as templates/pre-filled. The Helm charts can still be used to install for OpenSearch, but some adjustments are needed beforehand. Refer to the Helm deployment documentation for further details.

This release contains the following limitations:

  • In Operate 8.4.0
  • In Camunda HELM 9.0.x
    • Limitation
      • Description: The existing Helm charts use the Elasticsearch configurations by default and are not yet prepared with the OpenSearch configurations as templates/pre-filled. The Helm charts can still be used to install for OpenSearch, but some adjustments are needed beforehand.
      • Reference: n/a
      • Mitigation:
        1. Refer to our docs for the installation, the docs include guidance about necessary adjustments of the Helm chart configuration.
        2. The OpenSearch configuration in Helm charts will be provided in one of our future Helm releases.
  • In Connectors 8.4.x

Key changes

Form linking

The form linking feature is impacted by an issue where the wrong forms can get linked with new user task instances, effectively corrupting the user task instance. If you make use of this feature and run either 8.4.0, 8.4.1 or 8.4.2, we urge you to update to the newest 8.4.3 patch that includes the required fix.

Follow the instructions in the form linking documentation to resolve this issue. :::

Deprecated: Zeebe configuration properties for Camunda Identity

The Zeebe configuration properties for Camunda Identity were deprecated in 8.4. Please use the dedicated Camunda Identity properties or the corresponding environment variables.

Additional features

Dockerfile numeric ID

The Dockerfile now uses a numeric user ID instead of a non-numeric user. This will allow the Helm users to use runAsNonRoot=true without the need to explicitly set the ID in the Helm values.yaml file.

Camunda 8.3

Release dateEnd of maintenance
10 October 20239 April 2025

Changes in supported environments

Versioning changes in Elasticsearch

As of the 8.3 release, Camunda is compatible with Elasticsearch 8.8+ and no longer supports Elasticsearch 7.x. See supported environments.

Versioning changes in Helm chart

Helm charts versioning changed in July 2023.

Starting from July 2023 (v8.2.8), the Camunda 8 Helm chart version follows the same unified schema and schedule as Camunda 8 applications.

Before this change, the Camunda 8 Helm chart version only followed the minor version.

Key changes

Data migration

For existing clusters we recommend updating to 8.3.1 directly and not 8.3.0 due to issues in data migration of Operate, Tasklist, and Optimize that could prolong the migration or even blocking it from finishing.

Zeebe Docker image now runs with unprivileged user by default

The default user in the Zeebe Docker image changed from root to an unprivileged user with the UID 1000. This was done to provide stronger compliance with the OWASP recommendations on Docker Security.

Please refer to the Update 8.2 to 8.3 guide.


The update from 8.2.x to 8.3.x performs a migration for nearly all entities stored in Operate, Tasklist, and Optimize to support multi-tenancy. Therefore, migration may take longer.

Deprecated: Web Modeler's beta API

Web Modeler's beta API was deprecated in 8.3 and will be removed in 8.5. Use v1 instead, see migration hints.