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Version: 8.8 (unreleased)

Data purge

The data purge feature allows you to delete all runtime and historical data from your cluster. This operation resets the cluster to an empty state while maintaining the original topology.

The purge operation performs two main actions:

  1. Runtime Data Deletion: Removes all live data from brokers, for example process definitions, instances, and jobs.
  2. Historical Data Purge: Clears exported data from configured exporters

The data purge feature can be used to:

  • Delete data between test runs and therefore enabling reuse of the same cluster for multiple tests.
  • Resetting development or staging environments to a clean state.

Purge data

You will need access to the Cluster API as described in the Cluster scaling guide to perform the purge.


The purge operation is irreversible. It will delete the runtime data in the cluster and the historical data in the exporters! Make sure to back up your data before proceeding.


The purge operation is a cluster-wide, asynchronous operation. Since it is asynchronous, you first launch it by sending a POST request to /actuator/cluster/purge, and then monitor by polling the topology via /actuator/cluster until it is finished.


This example relies on the curl and jq utilities.

changeId=$(curl -sL -X POST 'http://localhost:9600/actuator/cluster/purge' | jq '.changeId')
while [ ! $changeId -eq $lastChangeId ]; do
lastChangeId=$(curl -sL 'http://localhost:9600/actuator/cluster' | jq '')
[ $changeId -ge $lastChangeId ] && break
echo "Awaiting last change ID ${lastChangeId} to be equal to purge change ID ${changeId}"
sleep 1

To know if your purge operation is finished, compare the change ID returned by launching it with the last change ID from the topology request. When the last change ID is greater than or equal to your purge operation's change ID, then purging is finished.

1. Send the purge request to the Zeebe Gateway

To purge data from your cluster, send a POST request to the /actuator/cluster/purge endpoint:

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9600/actuator/cluster/purge'

The response is a JSON object:

changeId: <changeId>
currentTopology: [...]
plannedChanges: [...]
expectedTopology: [...]
  • changeId: The ID of the changes initiated to scale the cluster. This can be used to monitor the progress of the scaling operation. The ID typically increases, so new requests have a higher ID than previous requests.
  • currentTopology: A list of current brokers and the partition distribution.
  • plannedChanges: A sequence of operations that has to be executed to achieve scaling.
  • expectedToplogy: The expected list of brokers and the partition distribution once the scaling is completed. For the purge feature, the expected topology will be the same as the current topology.
Example response
"changeId": 2,
"currentTopology": [
"id": 0,
"state": "ACTIVE",
"version": 0,
"lastUpdatedAt": "0000-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"partitions": [
"id": 1,
"state": "ACTIVE",
"priority": 1,
"config": {
"exporting": {
"exporters": []
"plannedChanges": [
"operation": "PARTITION_LEAVE",
"brokerId": 0,
"partitionId": 1,
"brokers": []
"operation": "DELETE_HISTORY",
"brokers": []
"brokerId": 0,
"partitionId": 1,
"priority": 1,
"brokers": []
"expectedTopology": [
"id": 0,
"state": "ACTIVE",
"version": 4,
"lastUpdatedAt": "2025-03-04T09:50:14.979435Z",
"partitions": [
"id": 1,
"state": "ACTIVE",
"priority": 1,
"config": {
"exporting": {
"exporters": []

The purging is done asynchronously.

2. Monitor the progress of the purge operation

The purge operation can take some time to complete, depending on the amount of data and the type of exporter.

You can monitor the progress of the operation by sending a GET request to the /actuator/cluster endpoint:

curl --request GET 'http://localhost:9600/actuator/cluster'

When the scaling has completed, the changeId from the previous response will be marked as completed:

"version": 3,
"brokers": [
"id": 0,
"state": "ACTIVE",
"version": 4,
"lastUpdatedAt": "2025-03-04T09:50:15.534347Z",
"partitions": [
"id": 1,
"state": "ACTIVE",
"priority": 1,
"config": {
"exporting": {
"exporters": []
"lastChange": {
"id": 2,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"startedAt": "2025-03-04T09:50:14.980254Z",
"completedAt": "2025-03-04T09:50:15.534398Z"


1. Use the --dry-run flag

You can use the --dry-run flag to simulate the purge operation without deleting any data. This can be useful to understand the impact of the operation before proceeding.

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9600/actuator/cluster/purge?dry-run=true'

2. Don't perform the purge operation during other cluster operations

You cannot perform the purge operation if another cluster operation is already in progress (for example, scaling).

Similarly, you cannot perform other cluster operations while the purge operation is in progress.


The data purge operation is idempotent, meaning you can retry the operation if it fails.

409 - ConcurrentChangeError

The 409 - ConcurrentChangeError response means another cluster operation is already in progress. Wait for the current operation to complete before retrying the purge operation.