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Console Self-Managed can be configured using environment variables and configuration parameters.


Underscores in environment variables correspond to configuration file key levels.

Environment variables

Environment variableDescriptionExample value
KEYCLOAK_INTERNAL_BASE_URLInternal Base URL for Keycloakhttp://camunda-platform-keycloak:80/auth
KEYCLOAK_REALMRealm for Keycloakcamunda-platform
CAMUNDA_IDENTITY_AUDIENCEAudience for Console clientconsole
CAMUNDA_IDENTITY_CLIENT_IDClient ID for Console clientconsole
CAMUNDA_CONSOLE_CONTEXT_PATHContext path for Consoleconsole
CAMUNDA_CONSOLE_CUSTOMERIDUnique identifier of the customercustomer-id
CAMUNDA_CONSOLE_INSTALLATIONIDUnique installation ID of the current customer installationinstallation-id
CAMUNDA_CONSOLE_TELEMETRYTelemetry config for Console Self-Managed: disabled, online, or downloadonline
CAMUNDA_CONSOLE_DISABLE_AUTHDisables authentication for Console. With this option, set users don't have to log in to use Console and API requests can be executed without an Authorization header.
By disabling authentication all CAMUNDA_IDENTITY, variables won't be used.
CAMUNDA_LICENSE_KEYYour Camunda 8 license key, if your installation requires a license. For Helm installations, license keys can be configured globally in your values.yaml file. See the Helm installation documentation for more details.N/A

Console environment variables could be set in Helm via the console.env key. For more details, check Console Helm values.


Camunda 8 components without a valid license may display Non-Production License in the navigation bar and issue warnings in the logs. These warnings have no impact on Console startup or functionality. To obtain a license, visit the Camunda Enterprise page.


You can enable telemetry and usage collection to help us improve our product by sending several telemetry metrics to Camunda. The information we collect will contribute to continuous product enhancement and help us understand how Camunda is used. We do not collect sensitive information and limit data points to several metrics. For more information, you can download collected data set metrics from the telemetry page at anytime.

By enabling data collection and reporting, you can get a new page to introspect Camunda 8 component metrics. Usually accessible via monitoring tools like Prometheus, you can now access these metrics directly in Console. By default, telemetry collection is disabled and no data is collected. When CAMUNDA_CONSOLE_TELEMETRY env var or telemetry parameter is set to online, the telemetry feature is activated and the collected data is sent once every 24 hours via HTTPS. When CAMUNDA_CONSOLE_TELEMETRY env var or telemetry parameter is set to download, the telemetry feature is activated. Data collected will not be sent to Camuda automatically, but could be downloaded from Console and shared with us on request.

To enable usage collection, configure the parameters described in the next section.

Configuration parameters

To enable telemetry, the following parameters need to be configured. Camunda will provide you with the customer ID (Camunda Docker username) needed to send telemetry data to Camunda.

ParameterDescriptionExample value
customerIdUnique identifier of the customer. This is also a Camunda Docker registry username.customername
installationIdUnique installation ID of the current customer
telemetryTelemetry config for Console Self-Managed: disabled, online, or
managed.releases.tagsAssign cluster tags to indicate what type of cluster it is. Default tags are dev, stage, test, or prod, but users can assign any custom tag.- dev (list of strings)
managed.releases.custom-propertiesList of custom properties users can add to their cluster with custom descriptions and custom links on the cluster details page.See custom properties section

Console environment variables could be set in Helm. For more details, check Console Helm values. For example:

values: customername
values: my-deployment
value: online

Override configuration parameters

Configuration parameters formerly replaced the complete configuration. Even if you only changed the customerId, the complete configuration still had to be added.

This is no longer the case with the override parameters. A subset of parameters can be set so individual parameters can be adjusted. If a parameter must be changed for a specific cluster, the name and namespace fields must be set with the exact values so correlations can be made accordingly.


Given the following configuration provided by Helm:

customerId: customer-id
installationId: camunda-platform-id-dev-console-sm-main
telemetry: disabled
method: plain
- name: camunda-platform
namespace: camunda-platform-namespace
version: 9.1.2
- name: Console
id: console
version: ...
url: https://...
readiness: https://...
metrics: https://...
- name: Keycloak
id: keycloak
version: ...
url: https://...
- name: Identity
id: identity
version: ...
url: https://...
readiness: https://...
metrics: https://...
- name: WebModeler WebApp
id: webModelerWebApp
version: ...
url: https://...
- name: Zeebe Gateway
id: zeebeGateway
version: ...
grpc: grpc://...
http: https://...
readiness: https://...
metrics: https://...
- name: Zeebe
id: zeebe
version: ...

The following example of an overrideConfiguration changes the customerId and adds tags and custom-properties for the cluster with name camunda-platform in namespace camunda-platform-namespace:

customerId: "new-customer-id"
- name: camunda-platform
namespace: camunda-platform-namespace
- production
- description: "This is a custom description of the cluster."
- name: "Camunda"
url: ""
- name: "Camunda Docs"
url: ""
- name: "Grafana"
url: "https://..."

Custom properties

Custom properties are useful to add custom information to the Cluster details page in Console. A custom property contains a description and multiple links.

The following example shows one custom property for a cluster:

customerId: "new-customer-id"
- name: camunda-platform
namespace: camunda-platform
- description: "Useful links to Camunda resources."
- name: "Camunda Blog"
url: ""
- name: "Camunda Docs"
url: ""

Using a different OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication provider than Keycloak

By default, Console uses Keycloak to provide authentication. You can use a different OIDC provider by following the steps described in the OIDC connection guide.


To help understand how Console operates, we expose the following endpoints by default:

Metrics endpoint with default Prometheus metrics9100/prometheus
Readiness probe9100/health/readiness
Liveness probe9100/health/liveness


Invalid parameter: redirect_uriEnsure the correct redirect URL is configured for the application Console in Identity. The redirect URL must match the Console URL.
JWKS for authentication is not reachableTo verify a user's access token the JWKS needs to be reachable. Make sure the environment variable KEYCLOAK_INTERNAL_BASE_URL is set correctly.
Console shows error 401Make sure the logged-in user has the role Console assigned in the Identity service.