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Deploy and run your process application

You can deploy your process application to a cluster, and run your process application to test, debug, and observe how it performs in a live environment.

Deploy your process application

To deploy your process application:

  1. Open the main process.
  2. Select Deploy to open the Deploy process application modal.

    Deploy a process application

  3. Turn on the toggle for the cluster stage you want to deploy to.
  4. Perform any other actions as required, such as:
    • Unpausing the chosen cluster if it has been auto-paused. Select Resume.
    • Managing the cluster. Select Manage.
    • Defining the stages of your deployment pipeline. Select Define stages.
  5. Select Deploy to deploy the process application to the selected cluster.

All BPMN, DMN, and form files contained in the process application folder are deployed as a single bundle.


If any resource fails to deploy, the whole deployment fails and the cluster state remains unchanged. This safely ensures that a process application cannot be deployed incompletely or in an inconsistent state.

Run a process application

You can run your process application to test, debug, and observe how it performs in a live environment.

To run your process application:

  1. Open the main process.
  2. Select Run to open the Start instance modal.

    Run a process application

  3. Select Run to start a new instance.

    • Before the actual process instance is started, all resources are redeployed if required so the new instance always uses their latest state.
    • After the process instance is started, you will receive a notification with a link to the process instance view in Operate. Open this link to monitor the process instance.


Single-file deployment is not supported in a process application. If you select Deploy or Run in any diagram other than the main process, you are prompted to open the main process for deployment.

Deployment errors

If the deployment of a process application fails (for example, because one or more of the contained resources has invalid implementation properties), a modal is shown containing the error message thrown by the Zeebe engine.

The message typically provides the name of the affected resource, the ID of the invalid diagram element, and the error details.

Process application deployment error

Deployment of external resources

You can link BPMN processes, DMN decisions, or forms that are not part of the process application itself (external resources) from any process inside a process application.

Note that when you deploy the process application:

  • Linked external forms are deployed together with the process application.
  • Linked external BPMN and DMN diagrams are not deployed together. You must deploy these separately.