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Version: 8.8 (unreleased)

Boolean expressions


Creates a new boolean value.




Compares two values with one of the following operators.

Both values must be of the same type. Otherwise, the result is null.

OperatorDescriptionSupported types
=equal toany
!=not equal toany
<less thannumber, date, time, date-time, duration
<=less than or equal tonumber, date, time, date-time, duration
>greater thannumber, date, time, date-time, duration
>=greater than or equalnumber, date, time, date-time, duration
between [x] and [y]same as (_ >= x and _ <= y)number, date, time, date-time, duration
5 = 5
// true

5 != 5
// false

date("2020-04-05") < date("2020-04-06")
// true

time("08:00:00") <= time("08:00:00")
// true

duration("P1D") > duration("P5D")
// false

duration("P1Y") >= duration("P6M")
// true

5 between 3 and 7
// true

date("2020-04-06") between date("2020-04-05") and date("2020-04-09")
// true
Be Careful!

The equals operator has only one equals sign (e.g. x = y). In other languages, the operator has two equals signs (e.g. x == y).

Null check

Any value or variable can be compared with null to check if it is equal to null, or if it exists.

Comparing null to a value different from null results in false. It returns true if the value is null or the variable doesn't exist.

Comparing a context entry with null results in true if the value of the entry is null or if the context doesn't contain an entry with this key.

null = null
// true

"foo" = null
// false

{x: null}.x = null
// true

{}.y = null
// true


Combines multiple boolean values following the ternary logic.

  • The result is true if all values are true.
  • The result is false if one value is false.
  • Otherwise, the result is null (i.e. if a value is not a boolean.)
true and true
// true

true and false
// false

true and null
// null

true and "otherwise"
// null

false and null
// false

false and "otherwise"
// false


Combines multiple boolean values following the ternary logic.

  • The result is true if at least one value is true.
  • The result is false if all values are false.
  • Otherwise, the result is null (i.e. if a value is not a boolean.)
true or false
// true

false or false
// false

true or null
// true

true or "otherwise"
// true

false or null
// null

false or "otherwise"
// null

Instance of

Checks if the value is of the given type. Available type names:

  • boolean
  • number
  • string
  • date
  • time
  • date and time
  • days and time duration
  • years and months duration
  • list
  • context
  • function
  • Any

Use the type Any to check if the value is not null.

1 instance of number
// true

1 instance of string
// false

1 instance of Any
// true

null instance of Any
// false

duration("P3M") instance of years and months duration
// true

duration("PT4H") instance of days and time duration
// true


Evaluates a unary-tests with the given value. The keyword in separates the value from the unary-tests.

5 in (3..7)
// true

date("2021-06-04") in [date("2021-05-01")"2021-05-31")]
// false

5 in (3,5,7)
// true

5 in [2,4,6,8]
// false