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Get user task



Get the user task by the user task key.


Path Parameters

    userTaskKey int64required

    The user task key.


The user task is successfully returned.

    userTaskKey int64

    The key of the user task.

    name string

    The name for this user task.

    state string


    The state of the user task.

    assignee string

    The assignee of the user task.

    elementId string

    The element ID of the user task.

    elementInstanceKey int64

    The key of the element instance.

    candidateGroups string[]

    The candidate groups for this user task.

    candidateUsers string[]

    The candidate users for this user task.

    processDefinitionId string

    The ID of the process definition.

    processDefinitionKey int64

    The key of the process definition.

    processInstanceKey int64

    The key of the process instance.

    formKey int64

    The key of the form.

    creationDate date-time

    The creation date of a user task.

    completionDate date-time

    The completion date of a user task.

    followUpDate date-time

    The follow date of a user task.

    dueDate date-time

    The due date of a user task.

    tenantId string

    Tenant ID of this user task.

    externalFormReference string

    The external form reference.

    processDefinitionVersion int32

    The version of the process definition.

    customHeaders object

    Custom headers for the user task.

    property name* string
    priority integer

    Possible values: <= 100

    Default value: 50

    The priority of a user task. The higher the value the higher the priority.
