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Get process instance



Get the process instance by the process instance key.


Path Parameters

    processInstanceKey int64required

    The process instance key.


The process instance is successfully returned.

    processInstanceKey int64

    The key of this process instance.

    processDefinitionId string

    The process definition ID.

    processDefinitionName string

    The process definition name.

    processDefinitionVersion int32

    The process definition version.

    processDefinitionVersionTag string

    The process definition version tag.

    processDefinitionKey int64

    The process definition key.

    parentProcessInstanceKey int64

    The parent process instance key.

    parentFlowNodeInstanceKey int64

    The parent flow node instance key.

    startDate date-time

    The start date.

    endDate date-time

    The end date.

    state ProcessInstanceStateEnum

    Possible values: [ACTIVE, COMPLETED, CANCELED]

    The state, one of ACTIVE, COMPLETED, CANCELED.

    hasIncident boolean

    Whether this process instance has a related incident or not.

    tenantId string

    The tenant ID.
