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Get current user



Retrieves the current authenticated user.



The current user is successfully returned.

    userId string

    The ID of the user.

    userKey int64

    The system generated key of the user.

    displayName string

    The display name of the user.

    authorizedApplications string[]

    The applications the user is authorized to use.

    tenants object[]

    The tenants the user is a member of.

  • Array [
  • tenantId string

    The ID of the tenant.

    name string

    The name of the tenant.

  • ]
  • groups string[]

    The groups assigned to the user.

    roles string[]

    The roles assigned to the user.

    salesPlanType string

    The plan of the user.

    c8Links object[]

    The links to the components in the C8 stack.

  • Array [
  • name string

    The name of the component.

    link string

    A link to the component.

  • ]
  • canLogout boolean

    Flag for understanding if the user is able to perform logout.

    apiUser boolean

    Flag for understanding if the user is an API user.
