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Complete job



Complete a job with the given payload, which allows completing the associated service task.


Path Parameters

    jobKey int64required

    The key of the job to complete.


    variables objectnullable

    The variables to complete the job with.

    property name* anynullable

    Additional properties allowed.

    result objectnullable

    The result of the completed job as determined by the worker. This functionality is currently supported only by user task listeners.

    denied booleannullable

    Indicates whether the worker denies the work, i.e. explicitly doesn't approve it. For example, a user task listener can deny the completion of a task by setting this flag to true. In this example, the completion of a task is represented by a job that the worker can complete as denied. As a result, the completion request is rejected and the task remains active. Defaults to false.

    corrections objectnullable

    JSON object with attributes that were corrected by the worker.

    The following attributes can be corrected, additional attributes will be ignored:

    • assignee - clear by providing an empty String
    • dueDate - clear by providing an empty String
    • followUpDate - clear by providing an empty String
    • candidateGroups - clear by providing an empty list
    • candidateUsers - clear by providing an empty list
    • priority - minimum 0, maximum 100, default 50

    Providing any of those attributes with a null value or omitting it preserves the persisted attribute's value.

    assignee stringnullable

    Assignee of the task.

    dueDate date-timenullable

    The due date of the task.

    followUpDate date-timenullable

    The follow-up date of the task.

    candidateUsers string[]nullable

    The list of candidate users of the task.

    candidateGroups string[]nullable

    The list of candidate groups of the task.

    priority int32nullable

    Possible values: <= 100

    The priority of the task.


The job was completed successfully.
