Activate jobs
Iterate through all known partitions and activate jobs up to the requested maximum.
- application/json
The job type, as defined in the BPMN process (e.g. <zeebe:taskDefinition type="payment-service" />).
The name of the worker activating the jobs, mostly used for logging purposes.
A job returned after this call will not be activated by another call until the timeout (in ms) has been reached.
The maximum jobs to activate by this request.
A list of variables to fetch as the job variables; if empty, all visible variables at the time of activation for the scope of the job will be returned.
The request will be completed when at least one job is activated or after the requestTimeout (in ms). If the requestTimeout = 0, a default timeout is used. If the requestTimeout < 0, long polling is disabled and the request is completed immediately, even when no job is activated.
A list of IDs of tenants for which to activate jobs.
- 200
- 400
- 500
The list of activated jobs.
- application/json
- application/vnd.camunda.api.keys.number+json
- application/vnd.camunda.api.keys.string+json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Array [
- ]
jobs object[]
The activated jobs.
The key, a unique identifier for the job.
The job's process instance key.
The key of the job's process definition.
The unique key identifying the associated task, unique within the scope of the process instance.
"jobs": [
"jobKey": "string",
"processInstanceKey": "string",
"processDefinitionKey": "string",
"elementInstanceKey": "string",
"type": "string",
"processDefinitionId": "string",
"processDefinitionVersion": 0,
"elementId": "string",
"customHeaders": {},
"worker": "string",
"retries": 0,
"deadline": 0,
"variables": {},
"tenantId": "string"
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Array [
- ]
jobs object[]
The activated jobs.
The key, a unique identifier for the job.
The job's process instance key.
The key of the job's process definition.
The unique key identifying the associated task, unique within the scope of the process instance.
"jobs": [
"jobKey": 0,
"processInstanceKey": 0,
"processDefinitionKey": 0,
"elementInstanceKey": 0,
"type": "string",
"processDefinitionId": "string",
"processDefinitionVersion": 0,
"elementId": "string",
"customHeaders": {},
"worker": "string",
"retries": 0,
"deadline": 0,
"variables": {},
"tenantId": "string"
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Array [
- ]
jobs object[]
The activated jobs.
The key, a unique identifier for the job.
The job's process instance key.
The key of the job's process definition.
The unique key identifying the associated task, unique within the scope of the process instance.
"jobs": [
"jobKey": "string",
"processInstanceKey": "string",
"processDefinitionKey": "string",
"elementInstanceKey": "string",
"type": "string",
"processDefinitionId": "string",
"processDefinitionVersion": 0,
"elementId": "string",
"customHeaders": {},
"worker": "string",
"retries": 0,
"deadline": 0,
"variables": {},
"tenantId": "string"
The provided data is not valid.
- application/problem+json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Default value: about:blank
A URI identifying the problem type.
A summary of the problem type.
Possible values: >= 400
and <= 600
The HTTP status code for this problem.
An explanation of the problem in more detail.
A URI identifying the origin of the problem.
"type": "about:blank",
"title": "string",
"status": 0,
"detail": "string",
"instance": "string"
An internal error occurred while processing the request.
- application/problem+json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Default value: about:blank
A URI identifying the problem type.
A summary of the problem type.
Possible values: >= 400
and <= 600
The HTTP status code for this problem.
An explanation of the problem in more detail.
A URI identifying the origin of the problem.
"type": "about:blank",
"title": "string",
"status": 0,
"detail": "string",
"instance": "string"