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Version: 8.6

Query flow node instances (alpha)



Search for flow node instances based on given criteria.


This endpoint is an alpha feature and not enabled on Camunda clusters out of the box. See the Camunda 8 REST API overview for further details.



    sort object[]
  • Array [
  • field stringrequired
    order string

    Default value: asc

  • ]
  • page object
    from int32
    limit int32
    searchAfter object[]
    searchBefore object[]
    filter object
    flowNodeInstanceKey int64

    The key of this flow node instance.

    processInstanceKey int64

    The process instance key.

    processDefinitionKey int64

    The process definition key.

    state string

    The state, one of ACTIVE, COMPLETED, TERMINATED.

    type string

    The flow node type

    flowNodeId string

    The flow node id

    flowNodeName string

    The flow node name

    treePath string

    The path of keys from process instance to this flow node instance separated by '/'

    incident boolean

    Shows whether this flow node instance has an incident related to

    incidentKey int64

    The key of incident if field incident is true

    tenantId string

    The tenant id


The Flow node instance search successful response.

    page object
    totalItems int64
    firstSortValues object[]
    lastSortValues object[]
    items object[]
  • Array [
  • flowNodeInstanceKey int64
    processInstanceKey int64
    processDefinitionKey int64
    startDate string
    endDate string
    flowNodeId string
    flowNodeName string
    treePath string
    type string
    state string
    incident boolean
    incidentKey int64
    tenantId string
  • ]