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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)

Web Modeler settings

Navigate to the Web Modeler settings by clicking on your user icon in the top right corner of the Web Modeler and selecting Settings. Here, you can configure email notifications and the process application deployment policy.

Web Modeler settings

Email notifications

Configure the projects for which you will receive email notifications when a collaborator mentions you in a comment.

To do this, select the top right Open Settings user icon in Web Modeler and click Settings. Here under Email notifications, toggle on or off the options to receive email notifications when you are mentioned in a comment for all projects and new projects.

Process application deployment

Organization admins can configure the deployment policy for process applications in the Web Modeler settings.

By default, only organization administrators can deploy process applications to clusters marked as production stages from Web Modeler.

You can change this in the Process application deployment settings. To get there, select the top right Open Settings user icon in Web Modeler and click Settings. Then, select Process application deployment.

Here, you can permit non-admin users with deployment permissions to deploy process application versions to production stage clusters after a collaborator has reviewed and approved the process application version using the process application review feature. This setting can only be configured by organization admins and applies to all process applications in the organization.


The deployment policy applies only to deployments of process applications made from Web Modeler. Deployments made from Desktop Modeler and deployments of single BPMN files, for example, are not affected by this setting.