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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)

Configure IDP

Configure IDP for your Camunda 8 setup and make sure IDP can access the required components and credentials.


IDP is only supported for Camunda 8 SaaS with the 8.7.0-alpha5 release. Support for Camunda 8 Self-Managed and Camunda 8 Run is planned for delivery with the 8.7 release.


The following prerequisites are required for IDP:

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Create a valid AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user with permissions configured to allow access to Amazon Bedrock, AWS S3, and Amazon Textract (for example, AmazonBedrockFullAccess).

  • Obtain and store the access key pair (access key and secret access key) for this IAM user. These are required during IDP configuration.

  • Create an Amazon AWS S3 bucket named idp-extraction-connector that can be used by IDP for document storage during document analysis and extraction.

Web Modeler

Configure IDP

Once you have completed all the required prerequisites, configure IDP in a dev cluster as follows:

Add AWS connector secrets to cluster

Add your Amazon AWS IAM user access key and secret key as connector secrets to the cluster, using the following names:

  • Access key: IDP_AWS_ACCESSKEY
  • Secret key: IDP_AWS_SECRETKEY
Connector secrets

You can rename these connector secrets if you want to change the testing bucket used in other environments (such as test, stage or prod). If you do this, you must also change these names to match within the Authentication section of the Properties panel for any related published document extraction templates.