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Updating Tasklist

When updating Tasklist versions, it is important to pay attention to few points:

  • Every Tasklist version, supports importing data for the current version and the previous one. For example: if you are running Tasklist 1.3, your Tasklist imports data from Zeebe 1.2 and 1.3.
  • When wanting to update Tasklist version and skip multiple minor versions, make sure to import all the data from previous versions before (see below)

Skipping multiple minor versions​

Let's assume the following scenario: A server running Tasklist version 1.0 wants to update to version 1.3.

We recommend to follow the steps below:

Progressively update​

  1. Update Tasklist and Zeebe to version 1.1
  2. Let Tasklist run for some hours* and verify if everything works as expected
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 while updating to version 1.2 (before you jump to 1.3)
  4. Then you should be safe to update both Tasklist and Zeebe to version 1.3

NOTE: * Depends on your amount of data, we recommend you let each minor version run for at least 24h before updating to the next one