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Version: 1.3

Model your first process

BeginnerTime estimate: 10 minutes


Design and deploy a process

In Camunda Cloud, you have two options to design and deploy a process: Web Modeler and Desktop Modeler.

Using Web Modeler, processes are designed and deployed, and new instances are created directly from the console. Take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Modeler tab at the top of the page.
  2. Open any project from your Web Modeler home view.
  3. Click the blue New button and choose BPMN Diagram.


  1. Add an EndEvent to create a valid BPMN diagram.

console-modeler-new-diagram-with-end-event console-modeler-new-diagram-with-end-event

  1. No need to save. Web Modeler will autosave every change you make

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