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Version: 1.3


You can opt-in the collection of telemetry data when using the desktop modeler. This data will be used to better understand how the application is used and to improve it based on data.

This page summarizes the data that is being collected.

General Structure of the Events

Independent from the type of the event we're dealing with, the payload we send to the ET has the following structure:

"installation": "[THE_EDITOR_ID]",
"product": {
"name": "Camunda Modeler",
"version": "[MODELER_VERISON]",
"edition": "community",
"internals": {
"event": "[NAME_OF_THE_EVENT]",

Every event directly modifies the internals field of the payload.

Definition of Events

Ping Event

The Ping Event is sent in following situations:

  • The modeler is opened (given that Usage Statistics option is enabled)
  • Usage Statistics option is enabled for the first time.
  • Once every 24 hours (given that Usage Statistics option is enabled)

The Ping Event has the following structure:

"event": "ping"

Diagram Opened Event

The Diagram Opened Event is sent in following situations:

  • User created a new BPMN diagram
  • User created a new DMN diagram
  • User created a new CMMN diagram
  • User created a new Form
  • User opened an existing BPMN diagram
  • User opened an existing DMN diagram
  • User opened an existing CMMN diagram
  • User opened an existing Form

The Diagram Opened Event has the following core structure:

"event": "diagramOpened",
"diagramType": "[bpmn, dmn, cmmn or form]"

In the case of bpmn and form, we add the engine profile:

"engineProfile": {
"executionPlatform": "Camunda Cloud",
"executionPlatformVersion": "1.1"

In case the diagram type is bpmn, we also add the element template usage to Diagram Opened Event payload:

"elementTemplateCount": 1,
"elementTemplates": [
"appliesTo": [ "bpmn:ServiceTask" ],
"properties": {
"camunda:asyncBefore": 1,
"camunda:class": 1,
"camunda:inputParameter": 3,
"camunda:outputParameter": 1

Also in the case of BPMN diagrams, we add selected diagram metrics:

"diagramMetrics": {
"processVariablesCount": 3,
"tasks": {
"userTask": {
"count": 5,
"form": {
"count": 5,
"embedded": 1,
"camundaForms": 1,
"external": 2,
"generated": 0,
"other": 1
"serviceTask": {
"count": 5,
"implementation": {
"count": 5,
"java": 1,
"expression": 1,
"delegate": 2,
"external": 0,
"connector": 1
"subprocessPlanes": {
"count": 5,
"nesting:": 2

Deployment Event

The Deployment Event is sent in following situations:

  • User deploys a BPMN diagram to Camunda Platform or Camunda Cloud
  • User deploys a DMN diagram to Camunda Platform

The Deployment Event has the following core structure:

"event": "deployment",
"diagramType": "[bpmn or dmn]",
"deployment": {
"outcome": "[success or failure]",
"context": "[deploymentTool or startInstanceTool]",
"executionPlatform": "[Camunda Cloud or Camunda Platform]",
"executionPlatformVersion": "[version deployed to]"

In case the diagram deployment was not successful, the error code returned from the Camunda Platform will be added to the payload:

"deployment": {
"outcome": "failure",

If provided, for example, when deploying to a Zeebe based platform, we add the target type of the deployment as well:

"deployment": {
"targetType": "camundaCloud"

In case of BPMN files, we add selected diagram metrics:

"diagramMetrics": {
"processVariablesCount": 3,
"tasks": {
"userTask": {
"count": 5,
"form": {
"count": 5,
"embedded": 1,
"camundaForms": 1,
"external": 2,
"generated": 0,
"other": 1
"serviceTask": {
"count": 5,
"implementation": {
"count": 5,
"java": 1,
"expression": 1,
"delegate": 2,
"external": 0,
"connector": 1
"subprocessPlanes": {
"count": 5,
"nesting:": 2

If it is set in the diagram, we also add target engine profile information:

"engineProfile": {
"executionPlatform": "Camunda Cloud"

Version Info Events

The version info events are sent in following situations:

  • User opens version info overlay via the button on the status bar
  • User opens version info overlay via the menu
  • User opens a link in the version info overlay

In the two first cases, a versionInfoOpened event is sent:

"event": "versionInfoOpened",
"source": "[menu or statusBar]"

When a link is clicked, a versionInfoLinkOpened event is sent:

"event": "versionInfoLinkOpened",
"label": "[anchor content, e.g. Camunda Modeler docs]"