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To use Kubernetes, you need to have the following tools installed in your local environment:

  • kubectl: Kubernetes Control CLI tool, installed and connected to your cluster
  • helm: Kubernetes Helm CLI tool

You also need a Kubernetes Cluster, here you have several options:

  • Local for development you can use: Kubernetes KIND, Minikube, MicroK8s.
  • Remote: Google GKE, Azure AKS, Amazon EKS, etc.

You can use free trials from different cloud providers to create a Kubernetes cluster to test Zeebe in the cloud.

Optional tools related to Zeebe:

  • Camunda Modeler: to model/modify business processes. Install Camunda Modeler here.
  • Zeebe CTL(zbctl): command line tool to interact with a Zeebe cluster (local/remote). You can get the zbctl tool from the official Zeebe release page.