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In order to use Kubernetes you need to have the following tools installed in your local environment:

  • kubectl: Kubernetes Control CLI tool: installed and connected to your cluster
  • helm: Kubernetes Helm CLI tool

You also need a Kubernetes Cluster, here you have several options:

  • Local for development you can use: Kubernetes KIND, Minikube, MicroK8s
  • Remote: Google GKE, Azure AKS, Amazon EKS, etc.

Notice that you can use free trials from different cloud providers to create Kubernetes cluster to test Zeebe in the cloud.

Optional tools related to Zeebe

  • Camunda Modeler: to model/modify business processes Camunda Modeler releases
  • Zeebe CTL(zbctl): command line tool to interact with a Zeebe cluster (local/remote). You can get the zbctl tool from the official Zeebe release page